We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
We love teaching and making resources to promote enjoyment, motivation, and understanding for children and teachers with a particular passion for learning outside the classroom.
This summer-themed word scavenger hunt is a fantastic filler activity or a great choice for home learning, suitable for both indoor and outdoor settings! Students will race to find as many items as possible that start with each letter of the word “summer” to complete the table.
You may also be interested in our other summer filler activities:
- Summer Word Search
- Summer Outdoor Scavenger Hunt
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The “Our Woodland Adventure Recount” template guides your young explorers through the memorable moments of their trip to the woods as they use our template to re-live their woodland adventure as they write their recounts.
This template help to develop writing proficiency, creativity and memory recall while providing a platform for them to share the key moments from their trip with friends and family.
This resource contains one template only.
Click here to download our full pack of three differentiated woodland recount templates.
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The “Our Beach Adventure Recount” worksheet guides young explorers through the exciting moments of their beach day. From the arrival at the beach to the playful activities, seashell hunts, and sandcastle building, students will have the opportunity to relive the highlights of their seaside exploration.
Teachers and parents can use this “Our Beach Adventure Recount” worksheet to encourage children’s writing proficiency, creativity, and memory recall while providing a platform for sharing their beach tales with friends and family.
This resource contains just one recount template. Check out our full pack to get all three templates here.
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For this instructions writing activity students will create a treasure hunt for their partner to follow. They will hide an object (name tag, stone with their initials on, etc.) and create a set of instructions to guide their partner to their object from a designated starting point.
Teaching structure:
Share different examples of instructions with your students. Get them to spot any key features. You may want to do a lesson on imperative verbs before this session.
Explain that they are going to hide an object and create a set of instructions for to get from the designated starting point (that you can decide) to their object.
Once they’ve written their instructions they can swap with their partner and see if they can follow them to find the hidden treasure.
This activity is perfect for introducing instruction writing, but can also be a great activity to link in with your measuring math topic.
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Introduce a refreshing twist to your sessions with this Phase 5 phonics activity. It provides students with ample practice in decoding words and identifying sounds within them. During the activity, students venture outdoors to hunt for word cards, bringing them back to place on the appropriate sound map. This resource contains Phonics Phase 5 sounds.
Check out our Phase 2 ‘Match The Sound’ activity.
Check out our Phase 3 ‘Match The Sound Activity’.
Check out our phase 4 'Match The Sound Activity.
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Whether it’s blowing a gale, raining or bright sunshine this is the perfect lesson to encourage descriptive writing through the use of figurative language. The weather is such a powerful learning tool that can spark worlds of imagination. For this activity you will take the students outside in a variety of different conditions and allow them to use their senses to come up with similes, metaphors, and alliteration to describe the conditions.
This is a great activity to do before writing a story when thinking about setting descriptions.
We have loads more weather themed resources to check out!
- Weather Diary
- Weather Investigation
- Weather Word Wall
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This outdoor poetry activity gets students writing a simple poem about your outdoor space using their senses.
Teaching Structure:
Take the students into an outdoor space. Get them to sit quietly and think about what thy can see, hear, smell, touch, and feel. Once they’ve had time to think get them to write a poem by completing the differentiated poem templates.
Along with the differentiated sheets, encourage students to use language in their poems appropriate to their ability.
Once they’ve written their poems it is nice to share them together as a class. They can also make a great display!
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Encourage your students to use all of their senses to help develop their descriptive writing.
For this activity your class need to be in pairs, where one will be blind folded and the other will safely lead them to an area in your school grounds or outdoor space (this activity is most effective when you have a variety of different places available for students to go).
The blindfolded student will then begin to describe what they can hear, smell, and touch while the other partner records what they are saying. The blind folded student will then be asked to guess where they think they are before removing the blindfold. Both students will then work together to describe and record what they can see.
Once they have finished, they can swap roles and do that activity again. Encourage students to think carefully about powerful descriptive language as they are describing the settings they have been taken to.
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This punctuation word search is great fun and perfect to get your students recognizing the common punctuation that is used. It’s great for morning work, filling activities, or just as some fun! This activity is perfect for distance learning.
Punctuation Included:
Exclamation Point
Question Mark
Speech Marks
Check out our Adverb Word Search.
Check out our Adjective Word Search.
Check out our Verb Word Search
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All about adjectives is an activity where students will find something they find interesting outside, draw it, and think of some adjectives to describe it using all of their five senses.
This pack contains differentiated sheets as well as word banks to support those who need the extra help. It can be a great starter activity, plenary, or even whole lesson depending on the age of your students and their abilities.
It’s important students have a basic understand as to what an adjective is before starting this activity.
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Liven up your spelling list homework with this fun outdoor spelling activity sheet. Simply get the children to write down their spelling lists and take the activity sheet home to complete the challenges. The activities require very few resources and should be done easily at home or in a local outdoor area.
You may also like ‘20 Outdoor Challenges To Do Before I’m 8’.
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Unlock creativity and enhance descriptive writing skills through this engaging personification activity. Nature serves as a rich source for improving descriptive writing, particularly when incorporating personification. This hands-on exercise provides students with the opportunity to experiment with personification while immersing themselves in the natural world.
Check out our Outdoor Onomatopoeia Activity!
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Who doesn’t love scavenger hunts? This is a great activity to get your students thinking about adjectives and how they can be used to describe things. They will go on a hunt to find objects that match the adjectives in the table. It’s a great way to introduce adjectives to your class or just as a fun recap activity.
Resources needed:
Scavenger hunt sheet
Clipboard (optional)
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This outdoor ‘facts and opinions’ activity is great as a starter or main activity for your non-fiction texts lesson. It will encourage them to think carefully about the differences between facts and opinions as they produce their own statements with about your outdoor area.
Students will go to your outdoor area (this can also be done inside) and complete the table by writing facts in the left column and opinions in the right column about the area you are using. This activity is great when done both in pairs and individually.
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Perfect to be used as a phonics station, these fun puzzles are great for your early readers to practice matching colors to their name. This FREE pack contains 1 puzzle, however it can be differentiated by students working in pairs or completing the puzzle with adult support. Be sure to laminate these puzzles so you can use them for years to come!
1 x Tarsia puzzle
Check out our other Tarsia Puzzles for Early Years
Animal Phonics
Dice Addition (1-15)
Counting to 10 - Number Recognition
Develop your class’ report writing by getting them to observe nature in the world around them. They will head outside to find an animal to produce a report on, gathering their information through close observation and research.
Once they have decided on their animal, they need to begin their research through observation, books, and the internet, recording their findings on the sheets. It is best if your students have access to magnifying glasses for this activity.
When the research is complete, they can then write their report using the templates, or create their own unique design. It is good for students to go outside and capture their own photos to use within the report.
Resources needed:
Research sheets
Differentiated template sheet
Magnifying glasses
Books / technology for research (optional)
This resource can work well in pairs where students are able to support one another.
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Your students will love using alliteration with this fun poetry lesson. For this activity they will head outside and choose a variety of different items for them to describe and complete the table. Once they have done a few items they can piece together their alliteration poem.
This lesson will help students to understand what alliteration is and how to use it in their own writing.
Check out our Outdoor Writing Bundle.
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It’s time for an adjective hunt! This activity will get your student thinking about adjectives for all letters of the alphabet in and around your outdoor space.
Simply provide your students with the activity sheet and let them walk around your outdoor or indoor space and think of adjectives for each letter of the alphabet to describe items they can see.
This activity is great to be used as an extension challenge for your early finishers.
Check out our fun phonics word searches here!
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This outdoor writing activity is great fun and a nice way to teach adjectives as well as introduce the idea of personification.
Students will create their very own magical trees by using clay to make a face on their chosen trees trunk before drawing their tree and writing adjectives around the outside.
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This activity is all about students exploring different textures in the world around them. Don’t be afraid for students to get muddy for this activity! Explain to your class what the word ‘texture’ means and that they will be exploring all sorts of different textures in your outdoor space.
Give them the table and go through each texture, giving them a chance to check they know the meaning of each one. Once they are ready, wearing clothes that can get a bit wet and muddy, get them to go outside and try to find each of the textures in the table, drawing or writing down their findings.
Diff. 1 – Textures are already filled in on the table.
Diff. 2 – To give students more of a challenge, they can fill in different textures they can think of before heading outside. For students who need more support, this activity can be done in small groups with adult support.
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